The JH Cross Country meet at Milford tomorrow has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 18

The varsity tennis meet in Topeka has been cancelled today.

The JV/FR Football game v. Chapman has been cancelled.
The JH Cross Country meet at Wamego has been postponed.

The breakfast and lunch menus for September are now available in the Documents section of the district webpage at www.usd364.org

Quick follow-up to my previous post. The walking track will not be open to the public until we have a policy in place. Again, we hope that this will happen sometime during the month of September.

I wanted to let all of the patrons of USD 364 know that we are still working on a policy related to the public use of the walking track inside the new Activity Center. We hope to vote on a policy at our September Board Meeting. Stay tuned for more information!

USD 364 is always looking for qualified Substitute Teachers. We just raised the daily rate of pay to $95 and increased the rate for long term subs to $110 per day. You must qualify for a KS Sub License or KS Emergency Sub License. The application link is on our website.

We have had a very smooth start to the school year so far. I hope this does not jinx that. I love seeing all of the First Day of School pictures! Here is to a great school year! #BulldogPride #BeGreatAtEverything

Looking for Sports Schedules? Go to the Documents section of the District website www.usd364.org #BulldogPride

Breakfast and lunch menus for August are now available in the Documents section of our website. We are working to add them to the Food Service section of the website today. #August16th #BulldogPride

Just a reminder that we will have a Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Wednesday August 15th at 6:00 pm on the North side of the new Activity Center. #BulldogPride

It was great to welcome teachers and staff back to school this morning! Looking forward to a great year! #BulldogPride #August16th

Do you want to pay your student's lunch fees online? Check out our RevTrak Store by going to the new district website, click on the Menu, and then click on Links for Parents on the right side.

Two weeks until the start of school in USD 364. Looking forward to another great year throughout the district. #BeGreatatEverything #Aug16

Registration at Marysville Elementary School begins today at 11:00 this morning and runs until 7:00 tonight. #FirstDay-August 16th

A new website for USD 364 is coming soon along with an app that you can download to you phone or tablet. We are looking forward to the new look and we hope it will be easier for everyone to use.