Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow March 7th due to professional development day.
2 days ago, Julie Grauer
There is NO SCHOOL today, Wednesday, March 5th. Stay safe!
3 days ago, USD 364
Unified School District 364 Marysville will have a late start tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 5th. School will begin at 10am, offices will be open at 9am, No KIDS U or Pre-K morning (AM) classes. Conditions will be re-assessed in the morning. Be Safe.
4 days ago, Darren Schroeder
All USD #364 facilities will be closed starting at 6:00 p.m. There will be no gym use at any of the schools.
4 days ago, Michelle Schmelzle
MJSHS newsletter for the week of March 3 - March 8: Athletics/Activities:
6 days ago, USD 364
Please enjoy this week's edition of "The Scoop" for MES for March 3-7
6 days ago, Janine Doebele
PowerSchool Update We wanted to update you on an email that was sent early this morning. Because of the security breach that happened earlier this year, PowerSchool has partnered with Experian to provide credit monitoring for those affected by the incident. In this email, it explains what happened and the steps being taken to remedy the issue. It also provides information about setting up credit monitoring with Experian if you choose to do so. This PowerSchool incident happened in late December or early January and many school districts were involved as well as USD364. Please take the time to read the email and decide if setting up an account with Experian is right for you. As always, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office and we will be glad to help answer those questions. Sincerely Darren Schroeder
9 days ago, Darren Schroeder
MJSHS newsletter for the week of February 24-March 1: Athletics/Activities:
13 days ago, USD 364
Please enjoy this week's edition of "The Scoop" for Marysville Elementary School.
13 days ago, Janine Doebele
Reminder there is no school tomorrow Friday Feb. 21st.
16 days ago, Julie Grauer
Weather Update Due to the morning forecast for extremely cold temperatures (wind chill), school will start at 10:45am on Thursday, February 20th. Predictions at this time, show an increase in temperature and windchill after 9am. Hopefully, the extra time provided will allow for better travel for our buses, students, and staff. Thank you for your patience and understanding with the severe weather these past few days causing many of you to find alternate options for your child during the day. KIDS U will be open at 7:45am. Proud to be YOUR Superintendent Go Bulldogs! DS
17 days ago, Darren Schroeder
Updated MJSHS newsletter:
18 days ago, USD 364
Good afternoon, Weather Update Due to the continuing forecast for extremely cold temperatures (wind chill), we will cancel Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th. Conferences will be held next Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at the same time with the same scheduling format. Next Wednesday will be a half day for students. We will continue to monitor the weather/temperature forecast for Thursday morning. I will do my best to ensure that information regarding cancellations is provided as soon as possible. Please be safe and warm during this time. Proud to be YOUR Superintendent Go Bulldogs! DS
18 days ago, Darren Schroeder
Due to the weather, Unified School District 364 Marysville Schools, including all activities and offices, will be closed on Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 19th which is a scheduled 1/2 day for students. At this time, Parent Teacher Conferences are still on as scheduled for 12:30 - 8:30pm February 19th. KIDS U will be closed both days. Be Safe!
19 days ago, Darren Schroeder
USD 364 Facilities will be closing for the evening after district athletic practices conclude around 5:30pm this evening. More information regarding school closings will be shared asap. Thanks....
19 days ago, Darren Schroeder
MJSHS newsletter for the week of February 17 - February 22: Athletics/Activities:
20 days ago, USD 364
MES Weekly "Scoop" for February 17-21, 2025
20 days ago, Janine Doebele
Due to the severely cold wind chill temperature predictions in the morning, USD 364 Marysville Schools will have a two-hour delay on Thursday, February 13th. KIDS U will be open. Offices will open at 9am. No morning (AM) Pre-K classes.
24 days ago, Darren Schroeder
Due to the weather, Unified School District 364 Marysville Schools, including all activities and offices, will be closed on Wednesday, February 12th. KIDS U will be open. Be Safe!
25 days ago, Darren Schroeder
MJSHS newsletter for the week of February 10 - February 15: Activities/Athletics:
27 days ago, USD 364