Starting on Monday January 7th, the phone number for the Special Services Office for the Marshall County Special Services Cooperative will change. To reach this office, please call 785-562-5308 and select Option #2.
Starting on Monday January 7th the phone number for the Bus Garage in USD 364 will be different. To reach the Bus Garage, please call 785-562-5308 and select Option #3.
We will have a new phone system for the school district starting January 4th. Our old system was outdated and needed to be replaced. The phone numbers for the District Office, Elementary School, and Junior/Senior High will remain the same.
Important information about Citizens Open Forum at USD 364 Board Meetings.
We ask everyone who wants to address the board to arrive a few minutes before the meeting to fill out an information card. Open Forum is limited to 30 minutes total and 5 minutes for each speaker. If there are multiple people who want to talk about the same topic, the board president may ask that a spokesperson be appointed to speak for the entire group.
If you have any questions please contact the District Office at 562-5308.
USD 364 will be closed on Monday November 26th. All offices will be closed and all practices and activities are cancelled. There will be no open gym or open wrestling room on Monday. The roads are treacherous and the wind is still blowing. Be safe and stay warm!
USD 364 is currently seeking a company to serve as Construction Manager At-Risk for some upcoming work in the district. You can find more information by following this link or by contacting Bill Mullins at the District Office (785)562-5308.
November menus are now available in the Documents section of the USD 364 website. The Food Service portion of the website will be updated soon.
Due to the rain and forecast for tonight, the band will not be marching in the Black Squirrel Parade.
The average ACT Scores for the Class of 2018 were released earlier this week and Marysville High School graduates had an average ACT Composite Score of 22.4. This was above the Kansas average of 21.6 and the US average of 20.8. #BulldogPride #BeGreatAtEverything
The JH Football game has been cancelled tonight.
The JV FB game for tonight has been cancelled.
The October menus are now available in the Documents section of the USD 364 website. They will be updated in the Food Service portion of the website in the very near future.
Due to heat and heat index expected today the JH Cross Country meet schedule has changed. All races will be 1 mile. 7th girls and boys will start at 3:30 and 8th boys and girls at 3:50.
The HS matches scheduled for tomorrow are in Marysville.
High School Volleyball will have matches tomorrow night (Thur., Sept. 13) with Riley County. Matches will start at 5:00 and order if play will be FR, JV, Varsity using 1 court. This was not originally on the schedule.
HS Volleyball starts at 5:00 tonight. The FR will play 2 matches starting at 6:00.
The Hs Cross Country meet at Wamego has been cancelled for Saturday, Sept 8.
The Varsity Tennis tourney in Topeka has been cancelled today.
The JV Girls Tennis meet at Marysville has been cancelled today.
The JH Cross Country meet at Milford tomorrow has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 18