MJSHS Newsletter for the week of April 24-28: https://www.smore.com/0gdum

The internet and phones are down at MJSHS. We will let you know when we are back online.

Reminder there is a Drivers Ed meeting tonight, 4/17 @ 6:30 in the cafeteria for those who have signed up. $75 is due at this time.

MJSHS Newsletter for the week of April 17-April 22: https://www.smore.com/36hpr

The Bulldog Booster Club and the MHS Activities Department are hosting an Athletic Banquet for High School student-athletes and their families on Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30pm in the new gym at the activities center. A meal will be served by Bite Me BBQ.
The ticket for student-athletes is free. There is a $10 charge for all others. Pick up your ticket(s) at the Activities Office at the school or by stopping by Pepsi (604 Center) and asking for Jody or Brandi.

Get a refreshing treat!!

MJSHS Newsletter for the week of April 10-April 15: https://www.smore.com/fybkp

MJSHS Newsletter for the week of April 3-7: https://www.smore.com/j7rb0

April 2023 Menu

This is a friendly reminder that the strategic planning survey closes Friday at 4pm. If you haven't completed it, thank you for taking a few minutes to provide your honest feedback. Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/USD364SP
And if you have already completed it, thank you!

MJSHS Newsletter for the week of March 27 - April 1: https://www.smore.com/nex9v

The Hiawatha game has been moved to 1:30 pm tomorrow, Friday 3/24. April 6 is canceled.

The baseball game for today, 3/23, has been postponed to Thursday, April 6th at 4:30.

Dear parents and guardians,
There has been a lot of confusion about the dual-sport proposal at Marysville High School. As the Athletic Director, I hoped to create more opportunities for students and to help bolster our program numbers. Right now, the dual-sport is being carried out on a trial basis. We are piloting this proposal to see if it is viable for the future. It is an experiment that we hoped would enhance the experience of student-athletes at Marysville High School. Cheer specifically has been subject to much confusion. Tryouts are underway for the Fall Cheer squad. In the event that dual-sport is allowed in the Fall, separate tryouts will be held for some remaining positions on the squad.
If you have questions or concerns please direct them to the Activity Department and I will answer them to best of my ability.
Thank you,
Cole Fredrickson

There is school on Monday, March 27th.

District families, employees, and patrons are invited to support the district's strategic planning process by sharing personal perspectives in an online survey. As the strategic planning process continues this spring, it will depend on thoughtful input from across the community.
Thank you for spending 10 minutes before Tuesday, March 28th to share your opinions and ideas with us!
Go Bulldogs,
Darren Schroeder
Superintendent USD #364

MJSHS Newsletter for the week of March 20-25: https://www.smore.com/9vbjq


MJSHS Newsletter for the week of March 6-11: https://www.smore.com/q36g0

If you plan to attend the dinner and/or After Prom this year, there are envelopes in the main office for you to pick up and fill out. These envelopes should be returned to the main office with your payment.